DeutschEnglishTeLC A. Kutschelis unnd Sohn, Dipl.-Ingenieure
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15:36 / 19.01.2025
printable version Heat pumps
Heat pump 1000W with reservoir
Heat pumps
Heat pumps allow the utilization of free environmental energy. Their build-up is equivalent to a cooling unit. With the help of electric energy they can use existing free environmental energy from wells, soils or ambient atmospere for heating purposes, by pumping it on higher temperature level. The test stand demonstrates practically the dependencies of the thermo-dynamical cycle process. Above photo shows on right heat pump producing hot water for air-heating (Test stand "Fan- and thermic measurements").
  • 1000W compressor
  • Fan and thermic heat pump
  • Air-cooled evaporater
  • Coaxial condensator avoids water generation
  • 50l reservoir
  • Efficiency up to 4

Measuring systems:

The measuring devices are digitally connected to the internal controller, sending serial data to the comprised portable PC. Stand control and data acquisition can be performed by Windows-software. Measured quantities are:

  • 3 x temperatures: Before and behind condensator and reservoir
  • Temperature and pressure of refrigerant agent
  • Water flow rate
  • Electrical power consumption


The stand is moveable and can be connected to a warm water consumer like Test stand "Fan and thermic measurements"


Technical details:

1.1m x 0.8m x1.6m
Weight: 50 kg
Services: 240 VAC, water
Heat pump 250W
Heat pumps
Heat pumps allow the utilization of free environmental energy. Their build-up is equivalent to a cooling unit. With the help of electric energy they can use existing free environmental energy from wells, soils or ambient atmospere for heating purposes, by pumping it on higher temperature level.
  • 250W compressor
  • Air-cooled evaporater
  • Coaxial condensator against water
  • Control of water flow-rate
  • Manometer, usable in cold environments
  • Efficiency up to 4

Measuring systems:

The measuring devices are digitally connected to the internal controller, sending serial data to the comprised portable PC. Stand control and data acquisition can be performed by Windows-software. Measured quantities are:

  • 3 temperatures: Before and behind condensator, and in reservoir
  • Temperature and pressure of refrigerating agent
  • Water flow-rate
  • Electrical power consumption


The stand is moveable and connectable to Solar collector.


Technical details:

1.1m x 0.8m x1.6m
Weight: 50 kg
Services: 240 VAC, water
log p/h diagram of heat pump:
Heat pumps
qc is the effective heat with the niveau tc.

qo is the for cooling processes usable refrigerating capacity.

In the diagram you can see that efficiency E depends on tc and to and on the quality of the plant's devices. This dependency can be shown with this test stand.

Keywords: Refrigeration, Heat Pumps, Vapor-Compression, Refrigerator, log p,h-diagram, Refrigerant, Efficiency, Entropy, Enthalpy, boiling state
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